BEWARE of the latest recall software update. Gremlins in the car afterwards. So as many know, I was an early C8 recipient. July 2020.
I now have 52K kms on Bluray. I took her in to Wallace this week to get the recall done. LED Lighting update. Well be prepared. 1) all driver settings were lost. key fob needed to have seat position reset. 2) Transmission was also reset. One of the features of the DCT is that it has learning mode and adjusts shifting to driver preferences. The minute I was on the 401 I could tell the DCT was also reset. Again none of these are big deals but be prepared. The BIG DEAL WAS that when I went to put my briefcase in the frunk at my office in Mississauga, The frunk lock sensor would not clear. repeated open and close cycles and the car still showed frunk open when it was not. For those that have never had an open frunk warning, it is an excruciatingly LOAD audible bell that cannot be silenced along with the car only driving forward in a LIMP mode of 42 km/hr max. So stuck in Mississauga in car in limp mode and obnoxiously loud bell. Called Wallace but they could not really help on phone (understandable) and said bring it back. not an option with 70 kms from Milton. So was forced to limp to Humberview. Drove in the bay with sound blaring and warning visible on dash. CSR was able to fully see the issue. Started and stopped car and opened and closed frunk lid with CSR.
Tech took car in shop and issue had vanished. Thats right, they could not replicate the issue. Today I have tried repeatedly to duplicate the problem and it has not come again. Fingers crossed for trip to Bowling Green.